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By News Apr 1, 2020 | 4:25 PM

KEARNEY, Neb. – The following is from the City of Kearney Police Department:

What is a Directed Health Measure (DHM)?
• Specific community enforcement measures necessary to prevent the spread of communicable disease, illness or poisoning. The objective of this order is to reduce morbidity and mortality, minimize disease transmission; protect health care personnel and preserve health care system functioning.

Who does the Directed Health Measure apply to?
• Any gathering that brings together more than ten patrons, customers or invitees, excluding staff, at indoor or outdoor gatherings. This includes weddings, funerals, as well as other community events.

Who is excluded from the Directed Health Measure?
• Airports, bus and train stations, health care facilities, mental health facilities and substance use treatment programs, and shopping malls. Also, the Directed Health Measure does not include typical office environments, factories, retail or grocery stores where patrons typically maintain a six-foot distance from each other.

Are restaurants and bars allowed to remain open?
• Restaurants and bars are to close their dining areas immediately and move to takeout service, delivery and/or curbside service only.
• Liquor, beer and wine sales are restricted to carry out sales and delivery only.
• No onsite consumption of liquor, beer and wine.

Are house parties and private gatherings subject to the Directed Health Measure?
• Yes, any gathering of 10 unrelated individuals who do not live in the same residence are restricted by the Directed Health Measure.

Are City parks closed?
• No, but the restrictions limiting gatherings of ten people or more do apply to all areas of City parks and City trails. The restrooms and playgrounds in City parks are closed.

Who enforces these Directed Health Measures?
• Local law enforcement including the Kearney Police Department. Anyone violating these restrictions can be guilty of a Class V Misdemeanor.

Are barbershops, beauty salons, nail salons, tattoo parlors and health clubs required to close?
• No, but these businesses cannot have more than ten people gathered, excluding staff, at its location and individuals are strongly encouraged to maintain a minimum of six-foot separation.

Does the Directed Health Measure apply to daycares?
• No, however, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services recommends the following:
o Childcare shall be carried out in groups of 10 or fewer children; and, to the extent possible, providers shall maintain the same 10 or fewer children daily in each group.
o If more than one group of children is cared for at one facility, each group shall be in a separate room separated by either physical walls or sufficient airspace. Each subdivided area may contain up to 10 or fewer children. Groups shall not mix with each other to the extent possible.
o To the extent possible, childcare providers shall remain solely with the same group of children daily.

Does the Directed Health Measure apply to medical procedures?
• Decisions regarding a patient’s medical plan of care should be made by the patient and the physician. Consistent with the Directed Health Measure, surgeries or procedures are allowed on a case-by-case basis as necessity is determined by the medical provider.

How long does the Directed Health Measure last?
• The most recent Directed Health Measure from the State of Nebraska will continue until May 11, 2020, but could be extended for a longer period of time by the State of Nebraska.

Will there be additional restrictions in the future?
• As the COVID-19 crisis evolves additional restrictions are likely.
All citizens are encouraged to follow the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention with reference to social distancing and, unless absolutely necessary, citizens are encouraged to stay home.