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Dolly Parton gets candid about “World on Fire” inspiration on ‘Today’

By Jeremy Chua May 16, 2023 | 10:00 AM
Theo Wargo/Getty Images

Dolly Parton appeared on NBC’s Today recently for a sit-down interview with correspondent Jacob Soboroff.

The conversation started with Dolly offering candid insight on the lyrics of her new rock single, “World on Fire,” which she recently debuted at the 2023 ACM Awards.

As pointed out by Soboroff, Dolly sings openly in the song, “Don’t get me started on politics/ Now how are we to live in a world like this/ Greedy politicians present and past/ They wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the a**.” So, which politicians is she talking about?

“All of them. Any of them. I don’t think any of them are trying hard enough. I’m sure we’re all trying, but I just really think often that they worry more about their party than they do about the people,” says Dolly. “If we just do what we felt was the right thing, rather than who’s going to lose, or who’s going to win this, or who’s going to look better if they do this. None of them are working from the heart.”

Later on in the interview, Dolly talked about her forthcoming rock album, Rockstar, collaborating with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr on The Beatles‘ “Let It Be,” Dollywood and home life.

If you missed Dolly’s Today interview, watch it on YouTube.

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