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Kearney city council gives nod to rezone, permit for RV storage on E. 1st St.

By Brian Neben Apr 10, 2024 | 8:11 AM

CheriAlguire / Depositphotos.com

KEARNEY — The Kearney City Council approved applications for a rezone and conditional use permit for recreational vehicle storage to be located on East 1st Street during their meeting on Tuesday, April 9.

The applications had been submitted by Jestin Clinch with Clinch Storage, LLC. The first was a rezone from district Ag, Agricultural District and District C-2 Community Commercial District to District C-3, General Commercial District.

The second a conditional use permit for enclosed warehousing at East of 625 East 1st Street, a vacant parcel.

Clinch appeared before the council and said their intention is construct six buildings, each 45 feet deep that would allow for RV construction on the site.

It was noted the Kearney Planning Commission had recommended approval of the rezone and permit. The council members voted to approve both.

The council also considered a rezone, final plat and annexation request of Oak Park Center Fourth, the southwest corner of the intersection of 2nd Ave. and 56th St., from Sorensen Acres, LLC.

According to the applications, the planned future use is commercial development.

Public hearings for Fox Creek Development, LLC, requesting a rezone, final plat, release of easement and annexation of Arbor View Fourth, south of the intersection of East 65th Street and Avenue R, was requested to be postponed until the April 23 meeting, which the council approved.

Melissa Dougherty-O’Hara, Assistant Director of Development Services, appeared with a proposed amendment to the section concerning Accessory Buildings.

The changes reorganize the subsections for clarity on which regulations apply to specific types of buildings and amends the language that removes repetitive parts and updates tables for setbacks and building size determinations.

The council approved the changes.

Dougherty-O’Hara noted city staff continues to host public meetings regarding Accessory Dwelling Units, something currently not allowed in the City of Kearney but has been a topic of discussion among the Kearney Planning Commission.

Before the regular agenda, the council heard proclamations regarding the Kearney Elks Lodge #984, Small Business Week from the Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce and National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week to Buffalo County Sheriff’s Office 911 Center.